CoSI Visiting Researcher Program – Grants – PDF
On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of CoSI – Coatings Science International Conference, we want to promote talent development and cooperation between researchers in the Coatings field, and we are therefore launching a VRP – Visiting Researcher Program, supported with Grants by: Coatings Science International Association*
Who and How to apply?
- PhDs and Post-Doc researchers
- Researcher(s) from an Academic Institution – paired with another Host Academic Institution or Company, both working on Coatings related topics.
Send the Application form and Support Letter from the University/Company partners to: Conference office
Documents can be downloaded here:
Deadline: 31 December 2024 – remains open to 17th March. Priority given to applications submitted before 1st deadline.
Granting communication: the latest by 03 February 2025. The visit and all administrative matters concerning reimbursements must be completed by 30 September 2025.
- Granted applicant(s) must attend the 20th Edition of CoSI and present the status/plan or output of the visiting stay. Registration fee is covered by CoSI.
- All applications will be ranked by members of the CoSI Scientific Committee (CSC). CSC members will not rank proposals to/from their own institution/company. CoSI Chair and Vice-Chair will decide on the final granting and number of grants, based on the CSC ranking.
- Highest scores will be given to applications:
- Aiming to establish new collaboration(s) within the Coatings Science & Technology field.
- Consisting of two parallel applicants – exchange of two researchers – between two partners, University or Company, one from each partner, and both working in the Coatings related field.
Grant & Reimbursement
Only the applicant(s) can apply to the program (no research group applications).
- Each week at a partner university/ company can be funded with up to a max. of €1,000.
- The visit duration can take any duration, between a min. 2 – max. 12 weeks.
- The grant can only be used to cover accommodation and travel costs within the granted visiting period.
- The reimbursement to applicants will be only processed upon delivery of paid bills, i.e. receipts (no invoices) to the CoSI Conference office.
- Reimbursement will only be processed after registration of the applicant(s) at the 20th CoSI Conference.
Note: This program aims to facilitate the exchange of researchers and knowledge between academics and/or industrials within the coatings field. No support can be claimed for salary, insurance, infrastructures or other costs, which must be ensured by applicant and host partners.
Do you have questions? Please contact the Conference office.
Note: *the Coatings Science International Association is formally responsible for CoSI ‒ Coatings Science International Conferences (19 Editions) and funds the VRP.