- The Posters Session will be organized in the following way:
Poster Pitches
- The first one and a half hour of the Posters session will be dedicated to Oral Pitches.
- Each Poster presenter will have 3 minutes to present their Poster to all participants, in the conference room.
- After your time is up, you will hear a ring-bell and the audience will applaud, so you can no longer continue, and the next poster presenter will start.
- This session will be mediated by a Chair from the CoSI organization.
- You can prepare one PDF page, and we will project it on the screen during your pitch. This can be a PDF of your Poster, or one page with some schemes, graphics, or pictures.
- You can deliver this PDF file to the supporting Red-team of CoSI, in the first day of the Conference.
- If no PDF is delivered by this time, we will project (by default) on the screen: your Name, Affiliation, Poster title and number.
Poster Discussion
- Please prepare your Poster (Printed paper) and bring it to the conference.
- After the Oral Poster Pitches, all participants move to the Posters Hall for the discussions.
- Poster presenters are expected to stand next to their Posters to discuss and answer questions from the interested participants, during the next one and half hour.
- The number of each Poster will be indicated on the Digital Book of Abstracts. Please place your poster in the respectively numbered poster board.
- Poster boards will be available in the Posters Hall, to place your poster from the first day of the Conference onwards.
Preparation Instructions
- Poster size: A0 portrait (841 mm x 1189 mm), sufficient poster boards of this size will be present.
- Posters will be attached to the textile background (dark blue) of the boards, by velcro-strips.
- Sufficient velcro-strips will be supplied on site by the conference organization.
- Make a PDF of your poster, or a one-page PDF slide, for the Oral Pitch (see instructions above).
- Make sure to be available for the Oral Pitch and On-site discussion parts of the Poster session.