Abstract Submission and Authors Information

Template For  Abstracts 2025: CoSI2025-Abstracts Template

A Word template with incorporated writing instructions can be obtained by clicking the link above. Please carefully follow these instructions to ensure legibility and uniformity of abstracts in the conference Book of Abstracts.

Format Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit an abstract according to the format guidelines. Authors are allowed to use from at least 400 words up-to a maximum of 4 pages A4, although this must include any figures, tables and references. The accepted papers will be published in the conference Digital Book of Abstracts.

Note: Half page abstracts only, may not be considered for oral presentation as they may not provide sufficient information to the selection committee.

  • The abstract must be submitted as .pdf file. Please refer to the format guidelines provided in the Word template.
  • All text must be written in English, The text should provide a clear description of the aims, methods and results of the study. Concluding remarks and acknowledgements may be given at the end. Emphasis should be on the result of the study.
  • The maximum length of the abstract is four pages A4, including any figures, tables and references, the minimum length is at least one page A4.

Please check that your abstract:

  • Has been written according to the instructions in the template.
  • Is no shorter than 400 words.
  • Is no longer than 4 pages A4 in total.

The important dates of the conference for authors are:

  • Deadline 19 May  2025Late Poster abstract submission possible: Pitches priority given to abstracts submitted within 1st deadline. Approved Abstracts accepted until no more boards available.
  • beginning of February 2025 – notification of acceptance for presentations.
Notice: This website is under update. For specific questions contact the Conference office. Last update 21/01/2025